Bradford Family Chiropractic Blog

Back Pain Tips from a Marietta Chiropractor

Back Pain Tips from a Marietta GA Chiropractor

Back Pain Tips from a Marietta GA Chiropractor If there is one body part that most people seem to have problems with at some point in life, it must be the back. Back pain is such a common part of modern life that many people just accept it as normal and try to get by…

Low Back Pain: 5 Mistakes You May Be Making in Marietta GA

Low Back Pain: 5 Mistakes You May Be Making in Marietta GA

Low Back Pain: 5 Mistakes You May Be Making in Marietta GA Low back pain in Marietta GA is a common problem. It is a description of a condition that can be and often becomes a chronic condition to those who suffer from it. The pain and discomfort can come from a multitude of problems including muscle strain, joint or facet injury or dysfunction,…

Marietta GA Chiropractor Discusses Kinesio Tape for Dummies

Marietta GA Chiropractor Discusses Kinesio Tape for Dummies

Marietta GA Chiropractor Discusses Kinesio Tape for Dummies If you’ve watched any major sporting event lately where the athlete’s bodies are not completely covered, you have probably seen someone who’s been taped up with Kinesio tape in Marietta GA. Don’t be mistaken, this is not the white or tan tape you see neatly wrapped around…

Marietta Chiropractor Talks about Bulging Discs

Marietta GA Chiropractor Talks about So the Deal with Spinal Decompression?

Marietta GA Chiropractor Talks about So the Deal with Spinal Decompression? If you or someone you know has ever had a bulging or herniated disc, then you are likely familiar with the amount of pain and discomfort it can cause. However, you may not be as familiar with the various forms of treatment for these…

Sciatic Leg Pain in Marietta GA

New guidelines on acute low back pain care in Marietta GA

New guidelines on acute low back pain care in Marietta GA The American Chiropractic Association ACA has been in the news this week with regards to what was ( and unfortunately still is ) all too common with treatment and assessment of low back pain …the indiscriminate use of spinal imaging ( X-ray and MRI).…

Marietta GA Chiropractic Clinics Help Pes Anserine Injuries

Marietta GA Chiropractic Clinics Help Pes Anserine Injuries

Marietta GA Chiropractic Clinics Help Pes Anserine Injuries First off, what is a pes anserine? No, its not PEZ anserine . The pes anserine in Marietta GA is one of these areas of the middle upper leg that includes three separate muscles that cross the inner knee joint to insert on the tibia (lower leg…